Friday, March 28, 2008

My cousin's McDonald's commercial in Australia

This cracks me up -- my beautiful cousin, who lives in Australia, is in a McCafe commercial -- which is McDonald's new boutique coffee shop (I guess?). She's the one drinking the coffee with a very happy expression on her face! She certainly makes it look yummy!


Sarah Hodzic said...

Oh my gosh Julia! How freaking cool is that!
She IS gorgous!!!!
And McCafe??? wacky....

Makes me curious though. ;D

Sarah Hodzic said...

gorgeous.. that would be how you spell it! :D


Anonymous said...

How cool! Now you have to tell her she has an American Fan Club. :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet, tell her congrats! She's beautiful! :) Gotta get McCafe here, I keep hearing about it overseas.