Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Proud Mom

On a personal note, today was special. My "big boy" Jackson had his first 'confession' at church (I'm Catholic). His first communion will be in late April -- not to be confused with first confession! Anyway, he has been nervously anticipating this big day for weeks, if not months, now. And naturally, it's a pretty big deal to go in and admit your faults and wrongdoings -- even at 7 years old! He has been well prepared thru CCD and his parents and grandparents encouragement and hopefully wise words. I was quite proud and even shed a tear as I saw him stand in line and then come out with a smile on his face. My mom gave him a beautiful gold crucifix and gold chain she bought in Spain -- had it blessed by our priest this week. Jackson is wearing it and in one photo (my favorite one) he is looking down at it as he reflects before going in for his confession. I was trying to get the photo with the crucifix in the background but it didn't work too well. Also note the tears in my mom's eyes as she celebrates having my big, little kid journey his way to Catholic (and Christian) faith!

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